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Supplementary Program

Supplementary program purely gives mentors, students and parents to choose which one to adopt and which one is better for individuals. In our Foundation, Intermediate, and Master Program, we focus on development life skills, social skills and leadership skills required to lead the life in the right direction. In Supplementary program our focus is on creating geniuses and this program includes Sensory Development Programs and Quantum Reading Skills, and Vedic Math Learning Techniques.

Our Smart classes are designed to teach students these skills that seems to be hard to learn in a simply and conveniently, keeping in mind the level of individual's understanding and ability to acquire new skills. We focus on creating fast brains with precise calculation skills and mind-activation.

Our experts have experience of mentoring both hyperactive and hypoactive sensitive minds and they have been guiding students and helping them keep their mindset on the right track. Their expertise has resulted in many geniuses with amazing sensory improvement, quantum and vedic math calculation skills and speed.


  • Sensory Development
    God has gifted us wonderful sense organs but sometimes we don’t use all .PEPMIND wants to convey that the purpose of education is not to teach knowledge but to create a child with enormous abilities and potential. We teach children to use both right and left parts of brain in a balanced manner. This activation requires different aura and environment .This program will be conducted in our training centres.
  • Quantum Reading
    Unfold the book and mind with techniques!! There is no magic in reading a book by flipping rather it needs training of the eye and brain. By quickly flipping the pages to quantum speed you can read a book. You will connect with your deeper diencephalon and then words transformed into images, come out as a picture Experience the fact that every child is a genius in a way; enlighten your brain with this amazing technique.
  • Vedic Math
    Be your own calculator and conquer the calculations in seconds!
    Decode the universe of mathematical calculations in your mind. The ancient technique encourages high level of intelligence with minimum efforts. It’s possible to raise your number game and eradicate math phobia. When mathematics is necessary then learns to solve it in an efficient way.
    Different Approach towards calculations can help us to resolve all the equations.
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